728x90 반응형 bbc news #quiet firing #조용한 해고1 조용한 해고 https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20221021-the-bosses-who-silently-nudge-out-workers The bosses who silently nudge out workers Employers are often reluctant to fire employees for myriad reasons. But quietly side-lining them in the hope that they’ll quit often leads to even greater harm. www.bbc.com The bosses who silently nudge out workers 조용히 노동자들을 쫓아내는 사장들. nudge는 '사람들의 선택을 유도하는 부드러운 개입'이.. 2022. 12. 21. 이전 1 다음 728x90 반응형 LIST